Snuppy was hoax. I'm gutted. When we learnt, way back in the year dot, that undergrad genetics/molecular biology experiments seldom work, I didn't really see any reason why cloning was impossible. Perhaps it was due to lack of product placement in my life (a la "The Island" – great premise for a movie, crappy adverts all the way through!). And now it turns out that it still wasn't done. *sigh* (oh – and yes, I realise that snuppy himself wasn't a hoax, it was the following cloned stem cell lines…thank you, yes, I CAN read. I just choose to interpret for headline pleasure). You know the worst of it? There's some poor Masters or PhD student right now wondering whether they'll ever get a job again: or how they'll explain away 3 years of time wasted to another funding body in the future.
Along with cukrova (Christmas sweets) Elishka brought to school Series 1, 2 and 3 of Spooks. I thought I'd watch an episode or two while wrapping Christmas presents in the evening. The program had mediocre reviews in NZ. However, at 5.30 this morning, after watching all of series 1 and the beginning of series 2 (what a cliffhanger), I finally turned off the computer. Let's just say there are now TWO people hoping that Elishka gets Series 4 in her stocking tomorrow.
I managed to get all Christmas presents last night, except some stuff from a supermarket that I'll pick up en route to the airport tomorrow morning. That's including gifts for surprise people (those I only found out YESTERDAY that I would be seeing) pineapples in honey and rum for one set, a Muchas calendar for the other. I haven't managed to figure out how I'm going to get to London to visit Nis while I'm there (the trains aren't running, then I'm getting a haircut and she's working again) before we both fly to other destinations and now Reim (HI!!!!!!!!!!!) has also invited me to Berkshire. Next year, I'll start sneaking across the channel to visit people secretly (which strikes me as being COMPLETELY ridiculous) otherwise there just isn't enough time. Either that or, bite the bullet, hire a car and get me going for long drives. Still…I can listen to music turned up loud and sing along at the top of my voice without complaints in a car can't I?
TOMORROW?!?! Right up until now, I haven't been the remotest bit interested in Christmas. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to decorate my little room yesterday with the Christmas decorations that mum had sent. (Oh, and thanks even more for the two boxes of panadeine…international drug smuggler you!) I also finally read the card which said, "open these now, Rowl's has your other present". I'd already guessed that one pressie was a calendar and another was a lipstick, but it was still the act of opening something wrapped by someone who was thinking of me when she wrapped it up (which is what gift giving is all about!). So thanks LOADS Mum!
And now, my boss has left, and so I'm gonna shoot through too. After all, there's the rest of series 2 to finish, then series 3 and I've got some socializing and packing to do this evening.
Take care all my dearly beloveds (even the ones reading this on the quiet...!) Nomes XXX And today: this made me laugh out loud at my screen!
Q1. Total volume of music files on your computer 12.31GB's – 9.7 days apparently. Q2. The last CD you bought was Chicago Soundtrack. Brought almost specifically so I could answer that question – last night while I searched for Ice Age. Q3. Song playing right now Tatouage Bleu – Ben Onono – and next will be La Der des Der – Frechal: going through a Francouzku stage. Q4. Five songs you listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to you Meet me in the red room – Marius DeVries & Amiel Daemion: it's hot. Insensitive – Jan Arden: it's what I listened to when my heart was first broken back in 1993 Karma Hotel – Spooks: I like his voice and the harmony/descant line Cantaloupe/Flip Fantasia – US3: *sigh* for so very many reasons Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps – Doris Day: perfect singing into a hairbrush song – complete with shoulder waggles and lifted eyebrows.