So, last year I went on a road trip. Only, it wasn’t really a road trip, bits of it were, it was more like a ‘backpacking adventure’, but that just sounds wanky, and there haven’t been films with that name… …so road trip it was. It was with my best mate 9, and her sis Nis. We convened in London prior to the ‘big adventure’ and departed after having good quality chocolate and tea at Nis’s huge flat (a theme may have been born). Our first stop was Barcelona, I assume we flew there (but remember NOTHING of the flight, so cannot be certain. I was still in my days of getting on a plane, falling asleep before takeoff and awakeing only barely in time to wipe the drool from my shoulder, my tray table and the person next to me in order to pick up our bags). After rambling in Barthelona, Madrid beckoned. We departed on a train, in the morning, having first stopped at the most amazing market to collect “train scroggin” enough (and of sufficiently bounteous delight) to give our carriage mates envy. Chocolate coated fruits/nuts, jamon, quesa, pan so fresh and tasty you could smell it in the next carriage… …after we’d finished our feast (approximately 20mins after boarding the train), we were soon in Madrid. And while there’s no place I like more (except, perhaps, Buenos Aires), there are some funny things in Madrid. The signs on the metro, for instance.
Now, we three girls had been travelling for a few days. Hyperglycaemia had set in due to the amount of sweets we’d ingested. We were in SPAIN for heaven’s sake. Some of us could exclaim “I’m in EUROPE” in a voice that begged the response “yes dear, now have some more tea”. So we were all a bit giggly. Also a bit alarmed at how much we were learning about one another that we hadn’t already learnt (despite being blood relations or spitting sisters…not that we ever did that because I have an aversion to saliva…but you know what I mean). All the secrets were coming out, they had to, since we’d be sharing beds in some arrangement or another in the near future. So when we saw the sign on the metro, it entertained us to think that the sign did not mean “keep your filthy paws off our silky doors” and instead, read it as “okay – not”. Which quickly became the excalmation “NOT-okay!!!!” when I asked whose turn it was with the vibrator that night. Labels: Memories, Travelling |
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