I’m FINALLY one of the cool kids. Someone’s invited me to play along on the playground. I wasn’t the last picked because the team leader ‘had to’ as I was the last standing (who else HATED that whole ‘selection’ in ‘games’?). So thanks London Lass, for knocking on my door and asking if I could come out to play. Now, I have to reveal 7 things about myself. Everyone else seems to have done this in a concise manner. I did it ages ago (I told you I tagged myself…embarrassing, but I was always prone to be a bit of a loner…) and was far more verbose. So here goes on the short and sweet. - I can do that tying-a-cherry-stalk-into-a-knot-without-using-your-hands thing.
- I make contingency plans for stressful conversations I think I’ll have (it’s exhausting).
- I’ve moved house nearly every year since 1995.
- I own two tiaras but haven’t purchased one (Mum & Lira)
- Most of my salary has gone on partying and flights.
- I used to own a house by a beach in NZ.
- I thought I was the cat who walked by herself, but I’m revisiting that opinion.
Now I just think I’m under-growed-up: tiaras, partying, moving, and ‘seductive’ moves with fruit. Hmm…. Your turn: Triplux, Bonfires, Angry, Homo, DQ, Glitter, JonnyB. Apologies to all bloggers who are now ‘double tagged’. Or who also think, "who does this young (oh, please?) upstart consider herself to be, to tag the amazing moi?". Clearly, the joy of being included has gone to my head. Forgive me blog overlord, for I have transgressed.
Labels: Memes, Navel Gazing |
Ah, er, ummm, ahhhhh...
I sort of do not do the tag thing really as it is one of my Important Rules. Or reveal things about myself.
But I can exclusively reveal that I once went for a curry with Phil Tufnell. Errrrr, will that do?!?