So. England. It would appear tha tI can't moblog while I'm roaming. THat pisses me off beyond your wildest imagination. As you can see, I'm a big fan of thisform of technology and when it lets me down then I just get aggravated. First impressions: far warmer than Prague. And sunny! :) So warm, in fact, that I ended up leaving my black v-neck jumper at Dee's house (which is really annoying, I seldom lose things and so when I do, or leave them somewhere out of the ordinary - the house of my aunt who I haven't seen for 10 years is 'out of the ordinary' - it freaks me out just a little bit) since it wasn't really cold enough to worry too much about it. Certainly not like Prague: I wasn't even wearing gloves or earmuffs! Unheard of! After a delicious lasagne (must be hereditary - though we all do it totally differently, they're equally as delicious. Maybe it's impossible to screw up a lasagne. Ideas please...) and cheese and orange segments and ice cream (I was quite full) and a good catch up with the cousins (Leigh and Verity, I haven't seen them for about 9 years I think...) and we were back on the road. Met Dee's new husband (well, of a few years now) Rex, who was lovely. Seemed a perfect foil for Joel, who's Cheryl's son (I do hope you're keeping up, I don't know how to draw a genetic diagram on the blog) - doing the 'hidden walkie talkie' thing and then measuring a large stuffed snake (as you do). Joel wasn't too impressed with the lasagne, and had no bones about announcing it. Sometimes I wish I could behave like that too, it's something htat I don't think we take advantage of. Youth - that is. It's loud being around children again, I'm not really accustomed to it. ANd he's a very lively rambunctious child. Full of questions though. His question about bird flu certainly beats that of most adults: 'where did it COME from' he asks (at the airport arrivals hall - damnit). I need coloured pencils to describe it, but we'll get there once he's finished with his toys. Then home to Cheryl's. Saw Alison (I'm so uncertain of the spellings it's disgusting - it might be double L, it might be Y) briefly before she went to her boyfriends house for dinner (she's 19? maybe!) and then took an overnight bag to Lucy at the hotel she works in, since she's staying there the night as public transport is 'off' in the UK tomorrow so she woulnd't be able to get there for her early shift in the am. Home again, dinner, and much collusion between the adults (Richard, Cheryl and self) regarding the sacrosanct secret of 'santa'. I've never seen a child run so fast up to bed to be 'asleep' for when Father Christmas comes...all Cheryl did was rattle the bells on the tree. INsane. I've never had to do the 'keep it a secret' thing as an adult to a child. It's amazing - their capacity to believe so fully. Weird too. I wonder they get into strangers cars, so beautifully innocent. Poor things. And now, after dinner, Lindt chocolate (not FOR dinner, but after) and 'assissting Father Christmas organise the presents under the tree' (hello...we had to drink his Amaretto too, thankfully the cats drank the water left out for Rudolph!) and then I asked C to boot the computer for me so i coudl update my adoring fans. Who are undoubtedly all having a fabulous time of their own. Am not sure how often will be able to update, since not my computer and am scheduled to be busy too, but will try. So sorry for those of you who are just DYING to hear from me...but I have to live a little. Now, I wonder if the hairdressers has a computer so I can show them the haircut I want... Nomes XXX |